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Plot alocation with QGIS

With the FPT Plot Allocation Plugin, you will be able to allocate inventory plots using various sampling methods and plot shapes, all through a user-friendly and intuitive graphical interface.

Plugin instalation

Within QGIS, go to "Plugins" "Manage and Install Plugins" and search for "FPT Plot Allocation".

Installation via zip file

If you prefer, click here to download the ZIP file containing the plugin files. For more information about installation, see the QGIS plugins installation guide.

To use FPTPlotAlocation, you must first install the scikit-learn package in the "OSGeo4W Shell" by running the command: "pip install scikit-learn".
Plugin interface

Plugin Interface

This is the plugin interface. Below, you will learn how to configure and allocate your plots.
Plugin interface

Plugin Basics

Parameters Description
Type of distribution Type of distribution of the plots.
Plot format Format of the plot you want to install.
Boundary layer The shapefile with the polygon of the area.
Use a column to define plots number If selected, allows the user to choose a column to define the number of plots per polygon.
Plot area Area in square meters that each plot will have.
Sample numbers or sample percentage Could be the number of plots or the percentage of the total area that will be sampled. If value < 1 it will be understood as a percentage. If value >= 1 it will be understood that you are setting the quantity of plots to allocate.
By hectare If selected, applies the value of Sample numbers or sample percentage per hectare. The value must be greater than 1.
Minimum border distance (meters) (Optional) Defines the minimum distance in meters that each plot will have from the border.
EPSG The EPSG of your area.
Create buffer for plots (Optional) If checked, will create a buffer showing the area of the plots.
Output (Optional) Select a folder to save your plots shapefile.

Available arguments

  • random : Allocate the plots in a random distribution
  • best sampling : (recommended) Allocate the plots in the best possible distribution for the area considering the established parameters.
  • systematic : Allocate the plots in a grid distribution, does not allow the definition of sample number or sample percentage and alocate all possible plots.
  • systematic custom : Allocate the plots in a grid distribution with the x and y distances from the grid lines and grid rotation angle defined by the user.
  • round : Consider that plots will have a rounded shape.
  • squared : Consider that plots will have a squared shape.
  • rectangle : Allows user to insert the X and Y sizes of the desired rectangle shape.
  • In order to achieve the best precision in calculation, you must select the UTM zone that your area is in. Find your utm zone.